Boba wrap instructions
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Unfold the wrap and find the Boba logo at the center. With the logo facing outward over your navel. Pull down. The logo piece will rise to your chest and shouldHold your baby's legs under their knee pits and gently scoop them towards your body in an upwards motion. Make sure your baby is supported with the wrap from Tying 101 · STEP 1. Unfold the wrap and position the Boba logo label over your heart. · STEP 2. Lower the outstretched wrap to navel height and bring the ends How to safely tie a Boba Stretchy Wrap. Stretchy Wrap instructions including how to tie youe stretchy wrap, position baby safely in your wrap & why a 2-way In the upright position, your baby's knees should be pulled up to hip level or higher in a frog-like position. The seat of the wrap should be pulled to reach Learn how to use (& love) your Stretchy Baby Wrap with trusted babywearing brand Boba. Follow our step-by-step videos or download the Boba Wrap Instruction Baby Wrap Carrier · Moby Wrap Newborn · Moby Wrap Holds · Moby Wrap Instructions k'tan wrap instructions - Google Search Moby Wrap Holds, Baby Number 2,. Simple, no-guess tying instructions and just one size make this wrap your GO-TO BABY CARRIER for the first three months of parenthood <3 · Stretchy and SOFT,
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